
Where: Taipei Innovation City Convention Center - Taipei, Taiwan

When: December 4th, 2021 | 10am - 5pm CST

Organized by RxC in collaboration with g0v jothon, the Taipei unConference will focus on the themes such as People/Public/Private Partnerships, life in the age of a post-COVID world, and engaging the public in citizen science to help navigate climate change, among others.

NOTE: Due to the very limited capacity of this event and current COVID travel restrictions, please only register if you live in Taiwan or are a Taiwanese national. This event will also be conducted predominantly in Mandarin Chinese.

More program details coming soon…

台北場 地點:台北矽谷會議中心 2D 國際會議廳 — 台北 時間:2021 年 12 月 4 日 (六) 10:00 - 17:00 本活動由 RxC Foundation 與 g0v 零時政府揪松團合作,台北場開放空間會議的主題將關注公私部門如何互相協作、後疫情時代的生活,以及公民科技如何促進氣候變遷議題的公共參與。

備註:由於場地空間有限,以及 COVID-19 的防疫限制,本活動僅限目前居住在台灣的參與者報名。本活動將以中文進行。


The format

RxC 2021 is a maximally participatory and attendee-led Open Space unConference. It has no keynotes or panels, so it’s about learning and getting stuff done!

The agenda will be created live by attendees present at the opening circle.

Through dozens of sessions you will have plenty of chances to present your ideas, ask questions, engage in challenging dialog, and make new professional connections. The Open Space unConference format is perfect for a rapidly moving field where the organizing team cannot predetermine what needs to be discussed.

Big ideas, concrete partnerships, and meaningful relationships emerge from Open Space events at a higher rate than conventional conferences. We are excited about Open Space as a path toward solidifying and growing communities of common purpose.


RxC 2021 是一場完全以參與者為中心的開放空間年會,活動中沒有一般的主題論壇講座或對談,一切都跟學習和搞定事情有關。




Who will be there

Civic tech community and open source advocate g0v, LASS (Location Aware Sensor System), Code for Japan, Code for Korea, Open Culture Foundation; cultural exchange partner American Institute in Taiwan, American Innovation Center; Academics; Artists; Activists; and more.

In the event of increased COVID-19 restrictions for in-person gatherings, we will move the physical meeting(s) online.


公民科技社群與開源倡議者 g0v、LASS(開源公益環境感測網路)、Code for Japan、Code for Korea、開放文化基金會;文化交流夥伴美國在台協會、美國創新中心;學術研究者、藝術家、倡議工作者,以及更多…。


In the event of increased COVID-19 restrictions for in-person gatherings, we will move the physical meeting(s) online.

Additional programming


In addition to the in-person and online events, RadicalxChange is putting together RxC TV, a unique and never before seen 3-part program that will be streamed LIVE the day before each Open Space unConference and thematically relate to the succeeding event, to inspire and learn.

Broadcasts will be on December 3rd, 9th, and 16th corresponding to their respective time zones.

RxC TV 特別節目

除了實體與線上活動外, RadicalxChange 也精心製作了一檔電視特別節目 「RxC TV」。節目將會分成三個部分,在每場開放空間會議前一天於線上播出,讓參與者可以更深入了解實體活動的主題、從中學習,並激發出更多有趣的點子。

RxC 電視特別節目將會在 12 月 3、9、16 日依據舉辦城市的時區播出。

More about RadicalxChange

RadicalxChange (RxC) is a global movement for next-generation political economies. It advances plurality, equality, community, and decentralization through upgrades of democracy, markets, the data economy, the commons, and identity.

RxC connects people from all walks of life - ranging from social scientists and technologists to artists and activists. The movement is ever-evolving and always welcoming new people and ideas to make our social world more diverse, equal, and free.

關於 RadicalxChange


RxC 串連來自各種不同背景的人,從社會科學家、科技工作者到藝術家、倡議者。這場全球運動是持續跟著時代變動,而且敞開歡迎更多新面孔加入,鼓勵人們提出新的想法,讓我們所生活的這個世界走向更多元、平等與自由的方向。

More about g0v jothon

g0v Hackathon organizers “jothon” is the task force of bi-monthly hackathons since 2012. There are 8 persons in the team with different types of professions, like elite hackers, lawyer, NPO/NGO activist, writers, filmmakers, arts administrator and city planner. The team also work on g0v community infrastructure, g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant and Sch001.
關於 g0v 零時政府揪松團 g0v 零時政府揪松團(g0v jothon)是 g0v 社群籌辦雙月 g0v 黑客松(g0v Hackathon)和基礎建設松(g0v infrathon)的工作小組,自 2012 年開始協助社群籌辦黑客松,2014 年正式組成「揪松團」,2016 年起,啟動社群基礎建設計畫,開辦「基礎建設松」,並於同年底推出「公民科技創新獎助金(Civic Tech Prototype Grant)」 。2020 年開辦「零時小學校(Sch001)」。

Potential Discussion Topics

The agenda is co-created by participants on the day of the event using a process called Open Space Technology. Below is a running list of potential topics suggested by registered attendees.
  • Civic Tech in Asia: collaborations between Taiwan, Korea and Japan
  • Digital Identity & Personhood: risks and opportunities
  • Global Governance, Community Governance, and the Environment
  • Imagined Democratic Futures in Storytelling: Against Dystopia
  • Georgism in the 21st Century
  • Technology and the Legitimacy of Political Authority
  • Artists involvement in the RxC Community
  • The future of China
  • 經濟成長如何與永續發展共存 | How does economic growth coexist with sustainable development
  • 貧富差距 | Causes of the gap between rich and poor
  • The role of tech and the state in facilitating (or hampering, as the case may be) citizen voice
  • 公民如何更好協作 | How can citizens collaborate better
  • How to make civic tech possible in Africa
  • Financial inclusion to solve global inequality
  • Privacy enhancing technologies
  • Life after COVID-19: how to anticipate and curb future epidemics
  • The future of citizen-led deliberative democracy
  • Efficiency, inclusiveness, and equality in the public sector